The IFMK arts festival has been taking place in Milton Keynes during July.
Fire Gardens was an installation and event in Campbell Park staged by La Compagnie Carabosse. It was really impressive!
(27 photos under the cut)
View from the top of the hill. |
(The atmosphere made me think of Joe Strummer's
love of campfires. This was a Christmas card he painted just before he
died: a land of campfires was the happiest place he could imagine.) |
Fountain. The firey arms slowly moved up and down, and whenever they were up there was a blast of water. |
An area with lots of fire sculptures and automatons... |
The fire seemed to be made with oil in terracotta pots. It gave off lots of aromatic oily smoke. |
These little automatons appeared to be cycling, their legs pedalling round and round. They made an eerie squeaking noise. (Ha, the long exposure on this has captured the movement of the legs) |
Their faces were alarm clock faces. |
These charcoal braziers were all over the
place. Because there was a wind, they were sending sparks flying
everywhere. You had to dodge them to avoid getting singed. |
A whole avenue of the things. Had to run the gauntlet. |
perfomer slowly turned the wheel, the tube went up and down (sealing
off oxygen?) then there would be a WHOOMPH and a big flame would erupt
from the top. There were about four of these. It was like something
you'd see in hell. |
There was a sort of chill-out area, with lots of braziers and swing seats, and ambient music. |
Tubes of flame, carved with decoration and writing in many languages. |
A bassoonist. She played a rhythm on
glockenspiel or something, sampled it, and kept it on a loop while she
picked up her bassoon and played. Sounded like Yann Tiersen. |
Visitors stood at the top of a ridge and saw
these suspended below. They looked like they were floating in mid-air.
The flames were a pretty blue. |
T-shirt lamps! |
The t-shirts reminded me of this photograph by Tim Walker. |
The bridge to Campbell Park, over the busy road, looking back towards MK Theatre and Gallery. |
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